Two Aira Plans for NFB Members Only

Two Aira plans are now available only to members of the National Federation of the Blind. A new introductory plan offers thirty minutes a month for twenty dollars. The regular NFB plan, which has been in place for some time now, offers 140 minutes per month for ninety-nine dollars.

The regular NFB plan comes with smart glasses, allows for minute sharing, permits purchasing additional non-expiring minutes if one is running short, and lets members get credit for referrals. One can also buy additional minutes with the larger plan. These options are not available with the introductory twenty dollar per month plan.

NFB members can move from any plan to one of these and from one of these to any other Aira plan. One can subscribe to these plans by calling an Aira agent at 800-835-1934 or sign up online at This is just one of the many benefits of belonging to the National Federation of the Blind.