Legislative Alert - April 30, 2019

Due to your tremendous efforts we gained eight cosponsors across all of our bills. (Five on H.R. 2086: two on S. 815: and one on H.R. 873. This is a significant accomplishment, but we can't celebrate too much because there is still much work left to do!

Please call your representative and two senators and urge them to cosponsor these two bills if they have not already done so. A summary of the two bills follows.

Transformation to Competitive Employment Act House - H.R. 873 - Sponsored by Bobby Scott (D-VA-3) Senate - S. 260 - Sponsored by Bob Casey (D-PA) These bills would phase out Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act over a six-year period.

Access Technology Affordability Act, House - H.R. 2086 - Sponsored by Mike Thompson
(D-CA-5) Senate - S. 815 - Sponsored by John Boozman (R-AR) This legislation removes an employment barrier commonly experienced by blind Americans who cannot afford the high cost of access technology by creating a refundable tax credit in the amount of $2,000 to offset the cost of these technologies.

When you call or email, you might say something like the following:
"Hello, my name is [your name] and I am a constituent of [your senator/representative]. I live in [city, state]. I am calling to urge [your senator/representative] to cosponsor [S. 260 for Senate calls/H.R. 873 for House calls], the Transformation to Competitive Employment Act. This bill
would phase out subminimum wages for people with disabilities over a six-year period. I urge you to cosponsor the bill.

I am also calling to urge [your senator/representative] to cosponsor [S. 815 for Senate calls/H.R. 2086 for House calls], the Access Technology Affordability Act. This legislation removes an employment barrier commonly experienced by blind Americans who cannot afford the high cost of access technology by creating a refundable tax credit in the amount of $2,000 to offset the cost of these technologies. I urge you to cosponsor the bill.

Contact your member of Congress by calling the Capitol Switchboard and asking for the office in question. The number is 202-224-3121.
If you have any questions, please call John Pare at 410-659-9314, extension 2218 or <a href="mailto:JPare@nfb.org">Email John Pare</a>