
We need your support to provide even more services to Indiana's blind community. A one-time or recurring monthly donation of $20 helps our affiliate to provide assistance with:

  1. K-12, college and higher education.
  2. Accessible elections.
  3. Advocacy.
  4. Child Custody.
  5. civil Rights.
  6. Finding and maintaining employment.
  7. Housing discrimination.
  8. Independent living.
  9. Indiana and National legislation.
  10. Mentorships.


Now through October 8, 2022, for each $20 you give, your name will be entered in to a drawing to win a refurbished Perkins Braille writer to be given away during the banquet of our state convention on the evening of October 8th.

Any financial support you can afford to provide is greatly appreciated within the Indiana blind and low vision community.
Click Here If You would Prefer To Make A Recurring Monthly Donation